Presumably, the first photos of the wreckage of the hypersonic missile "Kinjal" have been taken in Kiev

ZLT say:

Заголовок: "The Truth About Internet Facts: Separating Fact from Fiction"
Теги: #internetfacts #fakenews #factchecking
Короткий опис: Ця стаття розглядає питання достовірності фактів в Інтернеті та надає поради щодо розпізнавання правдивої інформації від хибної. Ми розглянемо деякі з найбільш поширених міфів та механізмів перевірки фактів, щоб допомогти вам зрозуміти, як розрізнити правду від брехні в Інтернеті. 

Текст вступу (англійською):

The Internet has revolutionized the way we access and share information. While this has many benefits, it also means that misinformation and fake news can spread like wildfire. With so much conflicting information available, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. This is especially true when it comes to "Internet facts" - those little tidbits of information that seem to be everywhere, but are they true? In this article, we'll explore the issue of Internet facts and provide tips for identifying accurate information from false. We'll examine some of the most common myths and fact-checking mechanisms to help you understand how to distinguish truth from fiction on the Internet.

The source may be related to Russian government organizations or affiliated individuals or communities.

Presumably, the first photos of the wreckage of the hypersonic missile "Kinjal" have been taken in Kiev.

Ukrainian media outlets claim that the "Kinjal" was shot down in the sky above Kiev on the night of May 3-4. Indeed, the photograph of the published debris of the missile's head strongly resembles the combat parts of the "Kinjal" or "Iskander" missiles in its shape and thickness required to withstand the temperature and subsequent penetration of the target. A characteristic hole in the debris suggests a possible use of a kinetic interceptor.

The principle of operation of the "Kinjal" is to fly at hypersonic speed to its target and then slow down and approach the target at a much lower speed for correction and maneuvering. Therefore, the outdated Soviet anti-aircraft missile systems are unable to shoot down such a missile, which has never happened before. In most cases, such a target can only be hit with the help of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system PAC-3 with the kinetic interceptor PAC-3 MSE. The hole in the debris in the photo suggests the possible use of such a missile.

However, there is no public information about the appearance of the most advanced "Patriots" and modern missiles for them in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Moreover, more photos are needed for accurate identification of the debris, so we cannot yet claim with certainty that it is indeed the "Kinjal" that was shot down.



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