Military without info is a time bomb

ZLT say

Military without info is a time bomb

Petr & Mazepa


One of the main criteria (a total of 9 of them + open questions) of the psychological combat readiness (PskhBG) of the personnel to perform assigned tasks is "awareness". Over the course of a year, during an expert assessment of PskhBG in military units, in which thousands of mobilized respondents took part, the instructors of the NGO "Ukrainian Center for Military Leadership" discovered a clear pattern: the average value of the indicator of personnel awareness from 0 to 5 ranged from 2. Of course, that in combat conditions, it decreased to 1 or less under the influence of various negative factors.

Recently, I conducted "Commander (combat) briefing" training at the so-called "captains' courses". Of the 15 officers who served for a year, only two had heard of the phrase "commander's information" and only because they had graduated from university at the time. Rumors have been heard, but it is not a fact that it was conducted.

In fact, most of the information from various digests (prepared at GUMPZ) is forwarded (duplicated) through their internal channels in various messengers, which are prohibited (almost as in the case of kaZaps) to be used in the Armed Forces.

At best, some "announcer" in the role of "zampolita-scoop" trains to read that digest before the formation. And when the same digest is pasted, for example, on the wall by the "heraldist", of course no one reads it, because it is already sent out in the messenger channel, and it is also printed in small letters, because the "heraldist" buys the paper with his own money.

This is the whole essence of internal communications in the form of commander information in the Armed Forces now. It is better to read the "Winner's Speech". How, by the way, with her? Is everything normal? Do they announce in the headquarters every morning?

The context of the situation

The personnel of the unit watched the video, which was posted on TikTok. On it, a man in a Ukrainian military uniform asks the question: "For whom to fight?", and claims that until something changes in the state, he will not take up arms. Opinions about the content of the video were divided. Someone supports the voiced views, and in someone the video caused negative emotions. Conflict situations and disputes have arisen, which negatively affect cohesion, psychological combat readiness, and morale.


The military leader needs to satisfy the informational needs of the personnel by conducting a commander's briefing on the topic "For whom to fight?" by narrative technique.

The military leaders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are offered to try out the narrative technique in practice (you don't have to be ignorant), because the "man in military uniform" in the video masterfully uses it and evokes the necessary emotions, and in some, actions. You can even learn.

I personally consider commanders (chiefs) who scream that a soldier has nothing to know except the object of the attack, and cover themselves with a "leak of information" (it's easier to justify their @bnutism that way) as destroyers of morale. By their actions, or rather, by their stupidity, they help the kaZaps as useful idiots. After all, an uninformed soldier is almost always a dead soldier.

The army, which knows how events are unfolding, remains active, attentive, prepared for any surprises and combat-ready; soldiers are able to perform their functions efficiently and effectively, while maintaining high morale. An uninformed army is a ticking time bomb, its fiasco is inevitable, it is only a matter of time " - Joko Willink ("Leadership Strategy and Tactics", 2019).



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