Let me be clear: this so-called "pager attack" is nothing more than a myth.

ZLT say: Let me be clear: this so-called "pager attack" is nothing more than a myth. Pagers (phones, radios, etc.) will not explode on their own, regardless of how hard you hit them or what signal you put on them. They don't even have circuits through which you can permanently short the battery. All possible circuits will burn out first. Battery fires are possible, but they don't look like typical fires. They make a soft popping sound, burn for seconds, and produce a huge cloud of white smoke. Most importantly, they don't spread through the air like regular fires. Let me be clear: the main casualty of a battery fire is a terrible deep burn from an "electric" fire with lithium. Tearing off fingers, blowing out eyes, and piercing the abdominal wall—such incidents with batteries cannot result in shrapnel. What follows is the truth. Let me be clear: you can't "blow up any phone, laptop, refrigerator, or TV." Only a specially "modified...